Monthly Archives: March 2012

only what the spring can bring

During the winter time (especially in January), I struggle with SAD. For those of you who are not familiar with the acronym, it stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder which means you get more depressed during certain times of the year. Appropriately named, wouldn’t you say?

Anyway, I’ve dealt with this for as long as I remember – and each year seems to be worse than the year before. This year was no exception… It’s hard to realize that I’ll probably have to deal with this for the rest of my life, especially in the moment. But I will say that it makes the springtime that much sweeter! It’s crazy how I’ll be feeling exceptionally blue for months at a time and then as soon as the light begins to change, I’m right back to my normal self.

So, I’ll use that as an excuse for my lack of blogging. And as an opportunity to say happy Spring! What do you love about the season?

Here are some of mine, aside from being in better spirits.



Spring Break




Daylight Savings Time


PS: check out my favorite local band History of Painters and their new EP, “Only What The Spring Can Bring”!